Monday 27 December 2010

A New Journey

Hi guys! It's Aly from fantasy4eva, i want to introduce you all to Faye a very very new blogger, you might be thinking why in the world am i even here, Faye like myself when i first started had no idea what so ever how to even start a blog, so i thought i would give her a kick start and attempt a button and find a cutesy layout because you know i love the cutesy pink stuff! Anyway i hope you guys go through this journey with her, you may not realise or you may but those that are the very first to stick by you through blogging always affect you later on in your future blogging days. I know because many of my first followers stuck by me , a year on and i perhaps appreciate them the most or at least hold them in fond regard. The beggining of blogging can be frustrating, troublesome and confusing at first but once you settle in and find your niche it's the most amazing feeling. I am not saying that it is going to be easy, although i feel bloggers are much more approachable from a year ago or years back doesn't really grantee a smoother start, either your one of the lucky ones or you will have to be extremely patient as in my case. As long as you are dedicated and know this is something you genuinely want long term then you will be fine, plus you have me if you ever need support, Ill be keeping an eye out for you Faye, happy blogging and reading and welcome to the community!


  1. Hi Faye! I love the title of your blog! Welcome to this crazy world of book blogging=) You will meet tons of bloggers and authors that will def help you along so have no fear we are all here to help you out=) If you have any questions like Aly I'm hear for ya;) I left my blog link and email addy.

    Happy Reading and Blogging!


  2. Welcome to blogging, Faye, I hope you enjoy every minute of it! (And thanks for introducing us, Aly - you're a star!)

  3. You girls are the sweetest your welcome Luisa! thanks for being so helpful steph and Luisa :)

  4. Aw thank you :) .. and yea thanks aly for starting me off couldnt have done it without you!

    Hope you guys enjoy the reviews, they might now be the stuff you like but i read and watch a bit of everything so maybe you will find something you never knew you would like! :)
